Back in 2011, another annual party in the desert consisting of Jeeps of all sizes, friendly peeps from all walks of Earth, bringing beer to share, was forming to celebrate Rocks-and-Oktoberfest; Roktoberfest! This party lives on, and you can count on me being there again this year!
Below are some small-sized sample images, and to see the entire gallery of hi-resolution original photos, you can simply follow this link or click the Shopping link below. The links bring you to the SmugMug page with many options to easily purchase prints, wall art, framed images, photo books, keep-sakes, and more. If it is a password protected gallery and you do not have access, please contact me so I know you are part of the event!

We park the MoHo and set up camp just a short walk from the Trashed Pumpkin Saloon
The grand view of rocks from our camp
Looking North across the Mojave Desert
My Jeep ready to do what it’s made for; hit the rocks!
Saturday morning we get a group together for a run on the Bullfrog trail
Saying “hi” and snapping shots of new Jeep JK friends
RJ riding shotgun
Carrying my Nikon around, of course I was obligated to catch a shot of this…
Hitting one of the first obstacles
Most of us took this more challenging line of the steep rock
This Jeep TJ had troubles making it up, so a winch-line and tow-strap were used to get him up safely
Most obstacles attract a large group of spectators
RJ hanging out on the rocks and watching the Jeeps climb rocks
Can’t have a trail-run without something breaking; this Jeep TJ snapped a front brake-line that had to be repaired
A tricky skinny rocky ravine
Rob tip-toes down the rocks
SLIK JK and I motor up a rocky hill
We creep through the rocky ravine
The spotter guides me through the nasty rocks
Tight squeeze, suspension flexing
We all made it over these rocks, some with a few more scapes and difficulties
This trail gives you so many awesome random rock piles to challenge you to get over
This gnarly Jeep-sized boulder ate up a number of rock-sliders, skid-plates and body-panels
This is the manuever that gashed my rock-sliders and scratched off some of my Jeep blue paint!
This nearly-stock Jeep Rubicon had modified rock-sliders that saved most of the damage, except for the major bending!
Battle-scars on the textured paint rubbed off my tube-fenders
Look, racing stripes! Of course, if you look under my Jeep you’ll see dozens of similar gashes fron the various abuse I’ve subjected it to
Many plastic parts like these bumpers and under-carriage were mashed and scratched
Kicking up dirt trying to grab traction to get over
This Jeeps plastic fenders were smashed up against the rock, and then the driver ran them over
The driver shows off his new souvenir
Rob watches as the others make their way over the rocks
RJ grabs the Bullfrog
BONK! My rear bumper takes another hit and is re-shaped nicely
Time to stop for lunch
Ok, I’m sacked-out taking a nap under my Jeep in the shade
This guy needed a bunch of help to get over some of the boulders
Finally, a winch was deployed to give a little tug and he was good-to-go
I actually put RJ behind the wheel for a cruise
The sun is setting over the ridge
A silhouette of my Jeep
RJ takes a spin over some rocks
Up, up, up a big wall
Ok, that’s a good place to spot for a bit to snap a shot!
My new set of 37″ Nitto mud-grapplers aired down to 8-lbs; that will provide some traction, eh?
Fellow Jep JK-ers setting up camp for the night
And let the party begin! The Trashed Pumpkin Saloon starts hopping when the sun goes down, and the Roktoberfest festivities begin
Sunday morning, and some are wrapping up camp to go home
We go for another trail run
Catching air, slo-motion style
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